responsive web design

Τί είναι το responsive web design;

Ουσιαστικά αποτελεί μια σειρά τεχνικών που μας επιτρέπουν να κατασκευάζουμε σελίδες οι οποίες προσαρμόζονται δυναμικά και “on the fly” σε κάθε διάσταση και προσανατολισμό (orientation) οθόνης. Αξίζει να προσέξουμε τα εξής: Αυτό που “προσαρμόζεται δυναμικά” δεν είναι απλά το πλάτος του περιεχομένου όπως γνωρίζαμε παλιά με τα λεγόμενα fluid sites (δηλαδή τα sites που καταλαμβάνουν…

Attipas Cyprus ecommerce

Client: Attipas Cyprus(Baby shoes) Task: Ecommerce fully responsive website with plenty of customizations. Launched:Feb.2016 Some of the features for of Frame render studio web are : CMS(Content management System) Multilingual website with manual translation. (3 language) ecommerce website Each company product can have various sizes,colors,specs,etc. Quickview of products. Fully flexible on price changing,special discounts,etc. Visit…

Sun Tropical flower shop /eCommerce website.

Client: Sun Tropical Flower shop Task:  eCommerce Website for the flower shop. Launched:Dec.2015 Some of the features of Sun Tropical flower shop website are: eCommerce with full functionality such as shoping cart,shipping costs,etc. CMS(Content management System) Fully responsive. Various choices on product variations such as quantity,size,etc. Contact forms,etc. Visit the website

Marios Vassiliou Web design/CMS

Client: Marios Vassiliou Task:  Website for Mr. Marios Vassiliou with Bio,photos,articles,etc. Launched:July.2015 Some of the features of Marios Vassiliou website are: CMS(Content management System) Fully responsive. Full personal article list. Feed from Social medias. Embedded videos from youtube. Contact forms,etc. Visit the website

responsive web design

How Important Is Responsive Design?

As more people are beginning to use mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, for every task that used to be only capable on desktop, one thing has become clear: mobile is taking over Internet surfing. And, it’s not even just surfing. It’s everything from browsing social media outlets, checking emails and doing some online shopping.…